PowerSchool Parent Portal Info
PowerSchool Parent Portal connects parents to their child's education. Through the PowerSchool Parent Portal, parents have online access to student information such as grades, attendance, and assignments. Parents can also set preferences in the Parent Portal to have automated emails sent to them at varying intervals for their students’ assignments, attendance and grades.
Families with multiple students can also set up their accounts to view all of their students at one time, all with one account to sign in.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: As a parent, how do I login to PowerSchool?
A: We have a link on our homepage in the "Parenting" box. You can also simply click here.
Q: How do I get started using PowerSchool Parent Portal?
A: Schools distribute Parent Portal access letters. This letter has the information needed to get started.
Q: What do I do if I don't have a Parent Portal access letter?
A: Contact your child's school for assistance.
Q: What if I can't remember my username and password?
A: Click ‘Forgot Username or Password?' on the PowerSchool login page using this link. You will be asked to enter your username to reset your password. You will need to enter your email address if you have forgotten both your username and your password. Log in information will be sent to your email address. You must use a computer browser for this action. This cannot be done on the mobile app. Your child’s school can also reset a parent portal password for you, but if they do, you would still be required to change it to something new on first login, and that change must be done on a browser, not the mobile app.
Q: What is the web address for parent portal?
A: https://clevelandcountyschools.powerschool.com/public/
Q: Where does my child login for student access to PowerSchool?
A: Students sign in through the NCEdCloud at https://clevelandcountyschools.powerschool.com/public/
Q: Will my child still have access if I do not create an account?
A: Yes, students will be provided with information to access their data even if parents do not request access.
Q: Is there an app for PowerSchool Parent Portal?
A: Yes, the free app is available for iPhone and android and is available here. Instructions for acquiring the District Code are on the linked page. You may also find this code by typing your school’s zip code into the search window at the bottom of the Parent PowerSchool Homepage. The Mobile District Code for Cleveland County Schools is RQBT. If an initial setup, you will also need the Parent Portal access letter from your child’s school for initial setup.
Security and Privacy
In order to maintain full compliance with the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), all PowerSchool users are required to access PowerSchool using their own account. Student data is not accessible by anyone who does not have the authority to do so. Students have access to their own data, and any parent or legal guardian may also request access.
If there is a situation where a parent or legal guardian should not receive access to student data, please notify the school immediately.