Registration Information
Please make use of all the resources and information available to you and your student during this time. Particularly useful to you will be the following links:
CHS Registration Guide / CHS 9th Grade Registration Guide - provides information about all courses offered and prerequisites
Explore Electives - this section provides information on specific electives offered at CHS
CCP Information - (Rising 11th & 12th Graders ONLY) CCP classes are taught by faculty from Cleveland Community College. Students may work towards completing their associate's degree or earn various certifications and/or earn transferable college credits. To register for CCP classes, you MUST meet with Emily Willis and your Crest High advisor. We STRONGLY encourage you to meet with Mrs. Willis BEFORE your Crest High registration appointment. What can you take through CCP? Check out these documents to learn about classes that are offered (CTE Pathway)(CTP Pathway). To schedule an appointment with Mrs. Willis, click on this link. Mrs. Willis' office is temporarily located in the Media Center of Crest High. See the additional information at the bottom of this page.
Crest High registration appointments will begin on February 14th. Schedule your appointment with Mrs. Willis BEFORE your appointment! Many of you already have met with her - great job! Start scheduling your appointment with Mrs. Willis now!! (CCP Registration Handout)
If you have questions, please reach out to Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Francis, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Hamilton, or Mrs. Grier.
NCSSM Information - The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Connect Program provides distance education courses to schools across the state. NC public school students at participating partner schools can supplement the curriculum offered in their home high school by taking tuition-free, honors-level, and AP courses in STEM and humanities from NCSSM via interactive video conferencing.
Registration Handouts: